Q: | What types of materials can you carve? |
A: | We can cut and carve various species of wood, as well as man-made material like high density foam board using state of the art CNC machines as well as hand carving elements where it's necessary. After an initial call we can determine the best sign material to use in order to fit your individual situation. |
Q: | What's the lead time for having a carved sign made? |
A: | The time it takes to deliver your finished sign will depend on the time of year and the scope of your project. We're commited to completing a job in as short a time span as possible. Work is taken on a first come basis. |
Q: | What's the best way to contact you? |
A: | You can call us at 207-837-0236 or email us with some information and we'll try to get back to you as soon as we can. |
Q: | What area do you service? |
A: | Salt Water Workshop is located in Southern Maine. Our local sign area is within a 100 mile radius, but can ship products anywhere in the US. |
Q: | Do you cut items other than signs? |
A: | We also work extensively on boats, boat parts, and any other cutting job you may require. Using the same CNC machine wood and synthetic prototypes and parts of all kinds can be cut. |
Q: | What are the steps I need to take to have a sign done? |
A: | If you don't have a design already, we work with you on developing a sign that compliments yor business or home. Some people come to us with a rough sketch and a more finished design is drawn up from that. After the design and sign material are decided on, we give you a quote to be approved and begin the sign carving. |
Q: | Why should I consider a carved sign versus another type of sign? |
A: | Carved signs have always given the appearance of quality and longevity for a home and business compared to less expensive painted and vinyl signs. They are the perfect way to express the character of your business, and create your identity. |